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Coming up with unique dissertation topics in marketing

Coming up with a topics in marketing isn’t particularly difficult. You mainly want to look at your field of study and draw from that. Of course, all fields of study are very broad so you’ll want to narrow those fields down to branches, those branches to topics, and eventually those topics to focus points. How can you do this? Research is the most useful way to accomplish your marketing assignment, but by the point you’ve reached the dissertation stage, you should be familiar with what you’ll want to write on. The graduate stage is purely for getting research done for your dissertation.


This technique from your earlier academic writing career will help greatly in narrowing topics so that you can sort out what you want to do your dissertation on. Since it is marketing, this will be the area you’ll center your research around, obviously.

Research and study will also be big for the actual dissertation process since you’ll need to explain your research process in depth for your dissertation. Research will be the base of your dissertation in marketing. How you will go about it is up to you, but you’ll need to make your research and findings known.

Topics to Work With

Below are some very general topics to work with for your dissertation. These aren’t particularly deep, specific topics, but they will be in the marketing area that you can research and draw out something to write on. Take the following to heart when doing your dissertation: every topic—regardless of the subject or field of study—has a problem that could be addressed. These problems give a lot of possibilities for you to structure your dissertation around.

  • Supply and Demand
  • Online Marketing
  • International Public Relations
  • Using Social Networking for Marketing

Dissertation Proposal

Your most useful tool in getting through your dissertation period will be your dissertation proposal. As a matter of fact, if you’ve already completed and turned in your proposal and it was accepted, you don’t need a list of topics. Your professors will be expecting to read a dissertation based on your proposal, so use that. Of course if you’re far from getting started on your proposal and dissertation, then you’ll definitely have more than enough time to find what you’ll focus on and do the research for that.