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Writing a Thesis Statement for a Research Paper in 5 Steps

Students are continually going to be challenged with writing research papers throughout their educational journey. Having the skill to develop a great working thesis statement will be critical to much of the writing process itself. The thesis is the guide for all research and writing as the paper will revolve around the act of providing proof to support the thesis. With this focus as your guide the research paper writing process will be easy to master. Just follow these five simple steps suggested by Mycustomessay.com to developing a fantastic working thesis that will make for an awesome educational experience.

Step One: Describe your Topic

Being able to describe your topic in detail will become critically important to your research and development when it comes to writing your term paper. A writer must be able to express why the thesis subject is important enough to write a paper about. This process can allow you to adjust the thesis statement to fit the most important and relevant information to your topic.

Step Two: Evaluate the Information

This is a process of editing your thesis statement and making sure that the focus is clear. You need to clarify your subject so that you know what to research and more importantly your reader will be clear about what they are reading. As you look at the thesis statement you are developing, a writer must decide if the topic is too narrow or not narrow enough to support all of the information in the paper.

Step Three: Gather Evidence

It is at this point that a writer needs to gather the basic evidence that will support the potential thesis topic. Fortunately, the thesis can be adjusted and re-written many times and should be fixed to fit with the supporting evidence. By gathering initial evidence thoughts can be formed about the thesis you propose.

Step Four: List Opposing Facts

It is at this point that you search for information that is going to be opposing your view. Make a list of this evidence and evaluate it. Just because there are contrary views, it doesn’t mean that your thesis is wrong. It simply means that others disagree. Knowing the opposition can strengthen your position.

Step Five: Write the Statement

Now you have chosen a topic and gathered supporting and contrary evidence you are ready to write a thesis statement. It should be written clearly and concisely in a manner which summarizes your overall point based on the first four steps of this process. It should be easy as you have already researched your topic and have all of the pertinent information.
